Wednesday, August 11, 2010

Meeting my brothers In-Laws

I, as the best man, (best best man ever) at t my brothers wedding, had many responsibilities. I picked up someone I didn't know well from an airport in a city I didn't know, and abandoned my lunch to do so. That was just fun. My other responsibilities included, guarding rings, pretending to lose them, and making them reappear. and general entertainment. and a speech but we a re SO not going there... I failed that aspect, BUT I WILL REDEEM MYSELF! Everything else I had down like a champ.

So walking down the Aisle at rehearsal I was matched with the most beautiful girl I had ever seen. I work in the restaurant industry so I have seen some good looking women. Anyway, she was wearing this cute dress that had some pattern on it, cherries I think... something like that. Anyway we got to talking, and I was out to impress. So we mentioned a little get together later. Great! I thought, I'll pick up some girly drinks and some other things for when Brian and Eric arrive. This will be great.

Josh had brought his Wii up to the room and was supposed to join us, but he was far too stressed out and ended up bailing, I don't blame him one bit, though it woulda been super fun to have him along. However as the evening wore on there were many people in my room.... all Liz's relations trying out the Wii and drinking my booze. I mean there must have been 20 people in my room at one point playing the Wii and just messing around. All women from Liz's side of the family.

I did have a couple with my own aunt before hand. But this was a whole different world. And the girl? she stayed for like 5 minutes, mostly because I couldn't stand her little blonde cohort. It was okay though, because we had quite a riveting time. Then everyone left, and Eric and Brian and Brandon and I carried the night away.

Anyway that's how I met the In-laws my brother was about to have to put up with for the rest of his life. Fun bunch, though if he agrees I don't think I'll ever know.

On the same line that weekend there was the 'sankes' incident and the Dairy Queen incident, but eh all was in fun. If i didn't have to put gas in josh's car when I went to get cake cutting materials we never would have stopped at dairy queen. Just an FYI.

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