FAQ: Posting Responses

Q: When and where does the prompt appear?
Every Wednesday, look for a new prompt at the top of the blog, just under the title.

Q: How do I post a response to a prompt?

If you're the first one - congratulations!   Sign in and click "new post" at the top right.  Name your new post after the prompt so we all know where to find it.

If you're not the first one, just add your response as a new post as well; make sure to follow some similar naming structure to the first, just so they all don't get lost.  Easy peasy.

Q: What style should I use?
Unless the prompt indicates otherwise, form is up to you: fiction, nonfiction, poetry, free-verse.  Anything you can imagine that fits the prompt is fair game.  (Just don't write a sonnet if the prompt asks for a villanelle and you'll be fine.)